Deep Water: Doing the thing for the wrong reasons/Doing the wrong thing for the right reasons

As mentioned previously, my sister is doing some pretty remarkable anthropological documentation on the early Southern California surf culture, which I can’t help but see as related to the same yearning that led our project designer James Wharram to look towards Oceania for inspiration for a way to live that offered the possiblity of transcending…


A Man, a Plan, a Catamaran

A week before Tropical Storm Irene ravaged the East Coast, David Ryan, the owner and founder of Sailing Montauk, was left with a lightning-charred Catalina 38, damaged beyond repair in a serious thunderstorm. But in the wake of that storm he turned his attention toward plans for a new and bigger boat — a 30-person…


Introducing Stokology

My sister is doing graduate work on a group of surfer-musicians who maintain a more than seventy-year-old music tradition on the beach at San Onofre, California. She’s an amazingly talented writer, with incredible insight into what she calls “oceanophelia”; something that all of us in Montauk understand, even if we’ve never put a name to…
